Breast Enlargement Instantly


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Breast Augmentation / Breast Enlargement

The field of cosmetic plastic surgery is a dynamic branch of medicine which continues to grow through modern innovation, technique and researches; this is because of the endless desire for physical perfection by man. Breast Augmentation for example, is now one of most frequently performed cosmetic plastic procedure in the world. The interest for breast enhancement by patients and surgeons alike, continue to evolve as newer methods with improved result are being developed.

At present, more and more women undergo breast augmentation every year as the popularity of the procedure is increasing, especially among women in the entertainment industry. Silicon shelled implants are commonly used for breast enhancement. This implant could be either silicon gel or saline-filled. The implants are used to augment the breast of an individual that lack breast tissue or volume that could be genetically predisposed or environmentally induced. The female breast tissue is primarily composed of gland and fat cells and in the past, surgeons tried to inject the breast with fat that was initially obtained through liposuction from other parts of the body. However, in this day of modern medicine, this is completely unacceptable and obsolete, with undesirable effects such as hardening of the breast due to calcification, etc.. Some women also do hormonal therapy, since some of the female hormone such as estrogen leads to increase in breast size, slightly, but not enough for the majority of women.

At present, the most common and accepted way to increase breast size is via breast implants placement. A breast implant is a sac of silicone elastomer that is either filled with saline or silicone, and is surgically placed under the breast tissue or chest muscle. Silicon oil injection, which used to be performed in the past for breast augmentation had been condemned locally and internationally, since the result are unpredictable and compounded by numerous complication such as extrusion, skin necrosis and infection. Do not allow yourself to be subjected in this kind of procedure, because of its risks and deforming results.

The selection of breast implant size or volume depends on multiple factors such as the proportion of the breast to body height and shoulder width, as well as the location of nipple/areola complex, and cleavage. And because the concept of breast aesthetics are constantly changing, there are many factors such as implant type, size, and incision site that should be considered to tailor the needs of each individual specifically. The incision for implant placement may be placed at various locations of the chest/breast area such as; under the breast or at the breast fold; around the nipple areolar area; in the armpit (axillary); and the latest, at the umbilical area via endoscopic approach. The resulting scars are thin and inconspicuous, especially at the armpit area. Each of this incision has its advantage and disadvantages that must be discussed thoroughly between the patient and surgeon.

Breast implant could be silicone gel or saline filled. Silicon filled implant was popularly used 12 years ago in the United States, until it was thought that it possibly causes autoimmune mediated health problems associated with leakage, that’s why saline implants is now used in most of breast surgeries. At present, silicone implants are now gaining momentum and recent studies had come out, proving the safe use of silicon breast implant in breast enhancement surgery. The advantage of silicone implant is that it is softer and appears more natural. However, leaks may be found in surrounding tissues. Generally, saline is a bit firmer, but it is without the supposed health risks because a leak is simply absorbed by the body.

The final breast size is mainly a personal decision by the patient. There are several ways to estimate the ultimate breast size. This would include the breast cup size, but this is an inexact estimate of the final size, since cup sizes vary with the bra manufacturer and how tight or loose the patient wears her bra, as well as how much breast tissue is already present. But describing the preferred cup size does aid the surgeon. The most accurate method of estimating the implant size is to fill a plastic bag with measured amounts of water or breast implant sizer that is place in a bra with the patient's estimated cup size. One can see with the bra on and covered by a sweater what the final result will approximate.

For more information on Breast Augmentation Surgery and Philippine Cosmetic Plastic Surgery you may visit or email us at

Disclaimer: “Webmasters are free to reprint this article provided that it is not edited, the author's information is included, and the links are included as live links.”

Dr Peregrino R Lorenzo VII
Plastic Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, with 6 years of formal training in the field of Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Burn Plastic Surgery.

Dr P Lorenzo is the author of, a free guide to affordable cosmetic plastic procedures, choosing the right surgeon and safety tips in cosmetic plastic surgery.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Breast Massage for Breast Enlargement

Breast massage as a method of natural breast enlargement and breast health has actually been used for years as a means of stimulating healthy breast growth and promoting breast tone, pliability and firmness.

Breast massage is one of the best ways to help create a more beautiful bustline by helping to shape, tone and promote growth of the breast and the area surrounding the breast. Not only can moderate breast massage help to make your bustline more attractive and sometimes even grow larger, but it is also an excellent way to keep in tune to your breast health by creating awareness of any fibrous areas of possible indications of breast cancer and some have even claimed moderate breast massage can help to prevent cancer.

Breast massage has been used in beauty parlors and massage parlors, especially in Asia, as a means of healthy lymphatic drainage, breast growth promotion, and as a post operative therapy for women who have undergone mastectomies, breast surgery, or other trauma to the breast area, since it helps break down scar tissues as well as stimulate healing and tissue regeneration.

There has been much speculation that the practice of wearing a bra 12-15 hours per day by most women restricts lymph flow and healthy riddance of toxins, and apart from not wearing a bra, which is not an option for many women in today's societies, breast massage is the best way to help the lymphatic system drain these pent up toxins and help to prevent them from building up and contributing to cancer or other ailments.

By massaging the breasts on a regular basis, many women is Asia have claimed it has enhanced the shape, size and overall attractiveness of their breast, while also giving them a sense of oneness with their femininity, and promoting relaxation and peace of mind, as other methods of body massage do.

Many who practice breast massage for increased breast fullness and beauty also have utilized special herbal serums or creams formulated to further stimulate the breasts into "expanding", firming and toning, creating an overall larger look and correcting sagging, droopiness and other traits deemed unattractive by other individuals.

Believe it or not, the Thai government has recently reported it supports breast massage as a means for breast enlargement and breast health, so there really must be something to this phenomena.

Here are some guidelines for breast massage you may want to follow:

1.) Use a breast enhancing cream or lubricant - preferably a quality one with natural stimulating herbs and botanicals (see our reviews page for info on Benefil) - of your choice to help prevent friction and increase the enjoyment and relaxation of the massage for a more pleasurable and therapeutic experience. This can be an herbal mixture - there are some good ones out there that really do help to promote firmess and breast tone, while creating a larger and more rounded look.

2.) Light to moderate massaging using a gentle back and forth gentle “swishing” action is best. This can be in a counterclockwise circle around the breast to help promote maximum lymphatic drainage.

3.) To gain maximum benefit and therapeutic effects, breast massage should be practiced daily, as part of a routine - perhaps when fresh out of the shower, since the skin is still somewhat moist and the room may still be steamy, for a smoother massage which may be more easily lubricated since there will still be moisture in the air. If you prefer, even several times a day can be a great benefit. It depends on what fits into your schedule. A few minutes at a time should suffice.

Visit Breast Enhancement Pill Reviews and Comparisons for more information on the natural breast pills mentioned in this article. Danna Schneider is the founder of

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Bigger and Natural Breast by Breast Enlargement Hypnosis

Hypnosis is the natural way of improving your breast size without any surgical approach.Through this process you can increase upto 3 inches of your bust size.

Hypnosis is as much safest as surgical implants are not.It is the best way of getting bigger and softer bust without any side effects, pain and scars.

Complications of Breast Implant Surgery

Do you know that 75% of the women are moving into natural alternative of improving breast instead surgery?

Because breast implant surgery involves risk and other major complications like surgical infection, breast pain, breast cancer, loss of nipple sensation, problem in breast feeding, unnatural and asymmetrical appearances etc.

Women who have implants will need to have one or more additional surgeries due to the cosmetic concerns and capsular contracture.Not only this, in breast implanting silicone and saline like chemicals are used which results hardening after surgery.

Most of the women have claimed that they have become ill after surgery. They have complaint including systemic fungus, neurological and rheumatologic problems.

How Does Breast Enlargement Hypnosis Works

Bigger And Natural Breast in two simple steps...

1. Understanding how your mind responds to self hypnosis.Your mind is impressed by what you see in your body.Your present body is manifestation of an image that you possess deeper in subconscious mind, so if you want to change your body you have to change that image and it's very easy by hypnosis.

2. By the help of hypnotic suggestions your subconscious mind to enlarge your breast size.Hypnosis is the process of communicating your mind. Through hypnosis we can instruct, your mind to stimulate that hormone which causes the growth of woman's breast.

The growth of woman's breast is caused by sex hormones chiefly estrogen. Estrogens are present in both men and women. They are usually present at significantly higher levels in women of reproductive age.

During hypnosis we'll take you so deep where your mind becomes receptive and then we'll put such suggestions which will effect direct to your mind.

This process is so cool, calm and relaxing that you will enjoy doing it everyday.

Hi, I'm from India and people call me Cheetu. I'm 28 years old and for me, self hypnosis is my passion. From fourteen years, I have been interested in this area of "HIDDEN POWERS OF MIND". I've tried each and every thing to tap hidden powers of my mind like yoga, tantra, mantra, meditation, affirmation, kundalini, fasting, breathing techniques, self hypnosis and about everything you can imagine. Now I own a website and provide customized solutions to unique problems by self hypnosis.


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Friday, June 6, 2008

Silicone Breast Enhancer Implants Aren't Your Safest Breast Enlargement Choice

Silicone breast enhancer implants and other forms of cosmetic enhancement are a multi billion dollar a year business.

Today millions of women around the world undergo various forms of plastic and cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and self-esteem.

While it has become an accepted part of society the fact remains that a lot of different types of cosmetic surgery have safety concerns and are far too expensive for most women.

As a good example, just take a look at the track record of enhancement procedures such as silicone breast enhancer implants and the outrageous breast implant prices women are faced with.

Proper eating and exercising habits have so many good benefits and can completely change your physical appearance. But unfortunately the only effect this has on a womans breasts is a reduction in breast size.

So the only option for a woman with small or un-shapely breasts is silicone breast enhancer implants, right?

Actually, due to amazing advances in the field of cosmetic enhancement you no longer have to pay high breast implant prices. There are much cheaper and much safer alternatives.

Right now however, let's take a look at cosmetic surgery and enhancement in general.

In addition to the fact that you may feel that your breasts may be too large or small, you also maybe carry around more body fat than you're comfortable with, show signs of aging on your face or have a nose that just isn't good enough.

Each year millions of men and women go on fad diets, change their hair colour, spend thousands of dollars on teeth whitening products, etc. In addition, billions are spent each year on skin & hair care products, hormone supplements, etc in the quest for a more youthful appearance.

For a lot of women there is a very negative view of cosmetic surgery such as breast implants, seeing them as frivolous, self-indulgent, vain and with good reason, unsafe.

While cosmetic surgery may be the only option when it comes to things such as wrinkles, dark spots and sagging jowls, it's not the only option when it comes to breasts. There have been many improvements in breast enhancement in the past few years that seem to work very well.

The stress people endure on a daily basis and significant changes in life will often motivate many to change their physical appearance in one way or another.

Examples of life changes that affect many people in this way can include a negative job situation, increased pressure not only to perform better but to look more polished and youthful.

Other life changes occur because of a relationship break-up.

Let's take a step back now and understand that no physical improvements alone will provide you with complete happiness, relieve stress at work or at home or fix a relationship.

But improvements in your physical appearance can psychologically change someone and restore energy and optimism in life.

One of the main problems a lot of women are faced with when it comes to breast enhancement is that they do not want to make the mistake of getting silicone breast enhancer implants that are too big or too small.

However, as mentioned earlier with new techniques there are options that can eliminate this problem of not getting the right size or shape that occurs with silicone breast enhancer implants.

You'll learn more about this later.

Another consideration when it comes to silicone breast enhancer implants is the possibility of a rupture at some later date.

If you do decide not to investigate the good available alternatives to high breast implant prices, make sure you choose your silicone breast enhancer implants wisely and consult with a qualified Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with extensive experience with silicone breast enhancer implants.

The doctor you find should explain the procedure involved with breast implants, answer all of you questions thoroughly and educate you on any possible dangers or problems that can be associated with silicone breast enhancer implants.

Do your research carefully, especially when it comes to silicone breast enhancer implants and high breast implant prices and discover what will work best for you. You do have options and the ability to make informed decision.

Keep in mind that cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure which has benefits in certain situations.

While the best options for improving your appearance are exercise and proper nutrition, cosmetic surgery and alternatives to silicone breast enhancer implants may also provide you results you just can't obtain from a healthy lifestyle.

Whatever your decision, try to have realistic expectations.

Phil Beckett is a health & fitness trainer, author & educator. He can get you the results you want in less time with less work. For more silicone breast enhancer information & breast implant prices, visit:

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